Method compareConditions documentation

Checks whether the given data object complies or not with the given filter.


```javascript let item = {name: "Raiders of the lost ark", director: "Steven Spielberg", year: 1981, id: 589}; bbn.fn.compareConditions(item, { logic: "AND", conditions: [ { field: "director", value: "Steven Spielberg" } ] }); // true bbn.fn.compareConditions(item, bbn.fn.filterToConditions({director: "Steven Soderberg"})); // false bbn.fn.compareConditions(item, bbn.fn.filterToConditions({director: "Steven Spielberg"})); // true bbn.fn.compareConditions(item, bbn.fn.filterToConditions({year: 1980}, ">")); // true bbn.fn.compareConditions(item, { logic: "AND", conditions: [ { field: "year", operator: "<", value: 1980 } ] }); // false ```

Checks whether the given data object complies or not with the given filter. - The filter format must be full (i.e. with the properties logic and conditions) such as seen in the function and can be generated by the function bbn.fn.filterToConditions. BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way

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