method __call documentation in bbn\Api\Cloudmin

function($name, $arguments) { if ($this->checked) { $cmdName = str_replace('_', '-', $name); if (\is_array($this->commands) && isset($this->commands[$cmdName])) { //Setting the last action performed $this->lastAction = $cmdName; //Defining the $url_part and the command to be executed $url_part = $cmdName; $cmd = $this->commands[$cmdName]; if (!empty($arguments[0])) { //Prepping, processing and validating the create user parameters $args = $this->processParameters($arguments[0]); if (!empty($cmd['args'])) { foreach ($cmd['args'] as $k => $v) { // We can't use this system to check the mandatory properties: // Virtualmin also marks properties that are actually a choice between // several "mandatory" properties as "mandatory" /* if (!empty($v['mandatory']) && !isset($args[$k])) { if ( (strpos($k, 'pass') === false) && (!isset($args['pass']) && !isset($args['encpass']) && !isset($args['passfile'])) ) { var_dump("Parameter $k mandatory for $name!"); return false; } } */ if (isset($args[$k])) { if ($v['binary'] && ($args[$k] || $v['mandatory'])) { $url_part .= "&$k="; } elseif (\is_array($v) && $v['multiple'] && \is_array($args[$k])) { foreach ($args[$k] as $w) { $url_part .= "&$k=$w"; } } else { $url_part .= "&$k=" . $args[$k]; } } } } } //Concatenating the header url and $url_part to create the full url to be executed $url_part = $this->getHeaderUrl() . $url_part . "'"; //Calling shell_exec and returning the result array return $this->callShellExec($url_part); } // We force even if we don't have the command in the list else { if (!empty($arguments)) { $args = $this->processParameters($arguments[0]); } $url_part = $cmdName; if (!empty($args)) { foreach ($args as $k => $v) { if (\is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $w) { $url_part .= "&$k=$w"; } } elseif ($v == 1) { $url_part .= "&$k="; } else { $url_part .= "&$k=$v"; } } } //Concatenating the header url and $url_part to create the full url to be executed $url_part = $this->getHeaderUrl() . $url_part . "'"; //Calling shell_exec and returning the result array return $this->callShellExec($url_part); } } return false; }

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