method listSystems documentation in bbn\Api\Cloudmin

return list of virtual machine

function() { $this->lastAction = "list-systems"; //Defining the $url_part and the command to be executed $url_part = "list-systems"; //Concatenating the header url and $url_part to create the full url to be executed $url_part = $this->getHeaderUrl() . $url_part . "'"; //Calling shell_exec and returning the result array return array_map( function ($a) { array_walk( $a['values'], function (&$b) { if (\is_array($b) && array_key_exists(0, $b) && (count($b) === 1)) { $b = $b[0]; } } ); $a['values']['name'] = $a['name']; if ($a['values']['filesystem']) { array_walk( $a['values']['filesystem'], function (&$b) { $tmp = explode(' ', $b); $b = [ 'name' => $tmp[0], 'size' => $tmp[2], 'size_unit' => $tmp[3], 'used' => $tmp[5], 'used_unit' => $tmp[6], 'free' => $tmp[8], 'free_unit' => $tmp[9] ]; } ); } $a['values']['available_updates'] = count(explode(', ', $a['values']['available_updates'])); return $a['values']; }, $this->callShellExec($url_part) ); }

return list of virtual machine BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way

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