method __construct documentation in bbn\Api\Paybox

function(array $cfg, $price, $email, $ref, $currency = 'EUR') { if ( isset($cfg['site'],$cfg['rang'],$cfg['id'],$cfg['key'],$cfg['pass']) && is_numeric($price) && $price > 0 && bbn\Str::isEmail($email) && $this->checkServer() ) { if ( isset(self::$currencies[$currency]) ) { $this->currency = self::$currencies[$currency]; $this->price = $price * 100; $this->email = $email; $this->binkey = pack("H*",$cfg['key']); $this->ref = $ref; $this->cfg = $cfg; $this->enc = self::$encryptions[array_rand(self::$encryptions)]; $this->time = date('c'); $this->params = [ 'PBX_SITE' => $this->cfg['site'], 'PBX_RANG' => $this->cfg['rang'], 'PBX_IDENTIFIANT' => $this->cfg['id'], 'PBX_TOTAL' => $this->price, 'PBX_DEVISE' => $this->currency, 'PBX_CMD' => $this->ref, 'PBX_PORTEUR' => $this->email, 'PBX_RETOUR' => 'Total:M;nomSession:R;NumAutorisation:A;NumTransaction:T;TypeCarte:C;Erreur:E', 'PBX_REPONDRE_A' => self::$url_reponse, 'PBX_HASH' => $this->enc, 'PBX_TIME' => $this->time ]; $this->process(); $this->online = 1; } } }

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