method listPayments documentation in bbn\Api\Permissions\MollieManager

Retrieve all payments created ordered from newest to oldest.

This will list all payments not only the paid ones so when looping through results you can check if a payment is paid:


$client_payments = $mollie_manager->listPayments([ 'testmode' => true, ]); foreach ($client_payments as $payment) { if (!empty($payment['paidAt'])) { echo "ID: $payment['id']
"; echo "Amount: {$payment['amount']['value']} {$payment['amount']['currency']}
"; echo "Status: {$payment['status']}

"; } }

function(array $params = [], string $from = NULL, int $limit = 250) { $payments = $this->mollie->payments->page($from, $limit, $params); return X::toArray($payments); }

Retrieve all payments created ordered from newest to oldest. BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way

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