method registerProject documentation in bbn\Appui\Api

function(array $cfg) { if ($this->jwt) { $key_out = self::_get_tmp_key(true); $jwt = $this->jwt->setKey($key_out)->set(['data' => $cfg]); if ($curl = X::curl( self::REMOTE, ['action' => 'register_project', 'data' => $jwt] ) ) { $key_in = self::_get_tmp_key(); try { $res = $this->jwt->setKey($key_in)->get($curl); } catch (Exception $e) { X::log(["JSON token", $e->getMessage()]); throw new Exception(X::_("Impossible to get data with JSON token, check log").PHP_EOL.$e->getMessage()); } return $res; } else { $err = X::lastCurlError(); throw new Exception(X::_("Impossible to register throu cURL") . ($err ? PHP_EOL.$err : '')); } } else { throw new Exception(X::_("No JWT")); } }

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