method leave documentation in bbn\Appui\Chat

function(string $id_chat, string $id_user = NULL) { if ($this->check() && bbn\Str::isUid($id_chat) && $this->isParticipant($id_chat) && $this->_add_bot_message($id_chat, $this->user->getName($id_user ?: $this->user->getId()) . ' ' . X::_('has left the chat')) && $this->db->update( 'bbn_chats_users', ['active' => 0], [ 'id_chat' => $id_chat, 'id_user' => $id_user ?: $this->user->getId() ] ) ) { $ok = true; if (($parts = $this->getParticipants($id_chat)) && (count($parts) === 1) ) { $ok = (bool)$this->leave($id_chat, $parts[0]); } $this->_set_state_hash($id_chat); return $ok; } return null; }

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