method set documentation in bbn\Appui\Cms

Sets content, title, start and end for the given URL.

function($url, string $title = '', string $content = '', string $excerpt = '', string $start = NULL, string $end = NULL, array $tags = NULL, string $id_type = NULL, string $id_media = NULL, string $id_option = NULL) { string $title = '', string $content = '', string $excerpt = '', string $start = null, string $end = null, array $tags = null, string $id_type = null, string $id_media = null, string $id_option = null ): bool { if (is_array($url)) { $tmp = $url; foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) { $$k = $v; } } if (!is_string($url) || empty($url)) { throw new Exception(X::_("The CMS article MUST have a URL")); } if ($note = $this->getByUrl($url, true)){ $id_note = $note['id']; } if (!empty($id_note)) { $cfg = $this->get($id_note); } elseif (!($cfg = $this->getByUrl($url, true))) { throw new Exception(X::_("Impossible to find the article with URL") . ' ' . $url); } $change = 0; if (($cfg['title'] !== $title) || ($cfg['content'] !== $content) || ($cfg['excerpt'] !== $excerpt)) { $change += (int)$this->setContent($cfg['id_note'], $title, $content, $excerpt); } if (($cfg['start'] !== $start) || ($cfg['end'] !== $end)) { $change += (int)$this->setEvent($cfg['id_note'], [ 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end ]); } if (is_array($tags)) { $change += (int)$this->note->setTags($cfg['id_note'], $tags); } if ($id_type && ($cfg['id_type'] !== $id_type)) { $change += (int)$this->setType($cfg['id_note'], $id_type); } if ($id_option && ($cfg['id_option'] !== $id_option)) { $change += (int)$this->setOption($cfg['id_note'], $id_option); } if ($id_media !== $cfg['id_media']) { if ($id_media) { $change += (int)$this->setDefaultMedia($id_note, $id_media); } else { $change += (int)$this->unsetDefaultMedia($id_note); } } if ($change) { $this->cacheDelete($cfg['id_note']); } return $change ? true : false; }

Sets content, title, start and end for the given URL. BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way

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