method sort documentation in bbn\Appui\Dashboard

Sorts the widgets' order

function(array $order) { if (!empty($order) && (bool)$this->id) { $changed = 0; if ($uDash = $this->getUserDashboard($this->id)) { $uCfg = Str::isJson($uDash[$this->archPref['cfg']]) ? json_decode($uDash[$this->archPref['cfg']], true) : []; if (!isset($uCfg['widgets'])) { $uCfg['widgets'] = []; } foreach ($order as $i => $k) { if (!isset($uCfg['widgets'][$k])) { $uCfg['widgets'][$k] = []; } if (!isset($uCfg['widgets'][$k][$this->archBits['num']])) { $uCfg['widgets'][$k][$this->archBits['num']] = 0; } if ($uCfg['widgets'][$k][$this->archBits['num']] !== $i + 1) { $uCfg['widgets'][$k][$this->archBits['num']] = $i + 1; $changed++; } } if ($changed && $this->pref->setCfg($uDash[$this->archPref['id']], $uCfg)) { return $changed; } } else { $cfg = ['widgets' => []]; foreach ($order as $i => $k) { $cfg['widgets'][$k] = [$this->archBits['num'] => $i + 1]; } if ($this->pref->shareWithUser($this->id, $this->user->getId())) { $idUsrDash = $this->db->lastId(); if ($this->pref->setCfg($idUsrDash, $cfg)) { return count($cfg['widgets']); } } } return $changed; } return null; }

Sorts the widgets' order BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way

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