method getGridConfig documentation in bbn\Appui\Database
Generates a grid configuration based on the table structure and columns options.
function(string $table, string $db = '', string $host = '', string $engine = 'mysql')
if ($model = $this->modelize($table, $db, $host, $engine)) {
/** @var array The empty config, js for bbn-table, php for bbn\appui\grid */
$res = [
'js' => [
'columns' => []
'php' => [
'tables' => [$table],
'fields' => [],
'join' => [],
'order' => []
if (!$db) {
$db = $this->db->getCurrent();
/** @var string An alias which will be use as prefix for all aliases */
$alias = Str::genpwd(5);
/** @var int An incremental index for the tables alias */
$tIdx = 0;
/** @var int An incremental index for the columns alias */
$cIdx = 0;
foreach ($model['fields'] as $col => $f) {
/** @var array The javascript column configuration */
$js = [
'text' => $col,
'field' => $col
$field = $table.'.'.$col;
// Text should be defined before the option is changed in case of a single foreign key
if (!empty($f['option'])) {
// Taking the text from the option (which will be the col name if not defined)
$js['text'] = $f['option']['text'];
/** @var bool|string The simple name of the unique column to display for the key */
$displayColumn = false;
// Case where the column is part of a key
if (!empty($model['cols'][$col])) {
foreach ($model['cols'][$col] as $c) {
if ($c === 'PRIMARY') {
if (empty($f['option'])) {
$f['editable'] = false;
else {
$f['option']['editable'] = false;
$js['component'] = 'appui-database-data-binary';
$js['cls'] = 'bbn-c';
$js['width'] = 'bbn-c';
// Case where it is a foreign key
elseif (!empty($model['keys'][$c]['ref_table'])) {
// Incrementing the alias indexes as we'll use them
// Getting the model from the foreign table
$tmodel = $this->modelize($model['keys'][$c]['ref_table'], $model['keys'][$c]['ref_db'], $host, $engine);
// Looking for displayed columns configured
if (isset($tmodel['option']) && !empty($tmodel['option']['dcolumns'])) {
$dcols = [];
foreach ($tmodel['option']['dcolumns'] as $dcol) {
$dcols[] = $this->db->cfn($dcol, $alias.'_t'.$tIdx, true);
if (!$displayColumn) {
$displayColumn = $dcol;
// Adding a single display column to the query
if (count($dcols) === 1) {
$field = $displayColumn;
// Adding more display column as concat in the query
else {
$field = "CONCAT(".X::join($dcols, ', ').")";
else {
// Otherwise looking for the first varchar
foreach ($tmodel['fields'] as $tcol => $tf) {
if ($tf['type'] === 'varchar') {
// Adding the column to the query
$field = $alias.'_t'.$tIdx.'.'.$tcol;
$displayColumn = $tcol;
if ($displayColumn && (strpos($field, 'CONCAT(') !== 0)) {
if (!isset($f['option']['editor'])) {
$f['option']['editor'] = 'appui-database-table-browser';
$f['option']['options'] = [
'table' => $model['keys'][$c]['ref_table'],
'column' => $model['keys'][$c]['ref_column']
// Adding the JOIN part to the query
$res['php']['join'][] = [
'type' => $f['null'] ? 'left' : '',
'table' => $model['keys'][$c]['ref_db'].'.'.$model['keys'][$c]['ref_table'],
'alias' => $alias.'_t'.$tIdx,
'on' => [
'field' => $alias.'_t'.$tIdx.'.'.$model['keys'][$c]['ref_column'],
'exp' => $table.'.'.$col
$res['php']['fields'][$col] = $field;
if (!empty($f['option'])) {
$f = $f['option'];
// Taking all possible properties defined
// Width
if (empty($f['width'])) {
if ($f['type'] === 'date') {
$js['width'] = 100;
elseif ($f['type'] === 'datetime') {
$js['width'] = 140;
elseif ($f['type'] === 'binary') {
$js['width'] = 60;
elseif (!empty($f['maxlength']) && ($f['maxlength'] < 40)) {
$js['width'] = $this->length2Width($f['maxlength']);
else {
$js['minWidth'] = '40em';
else {
$js['width'] = $f['width'];
// For the cell view
if (!empty($f['component'])) {
$js['component'] = $f['component'];
// The editor/filter component
if (!empty($f['editor'])) {
$js['editor'] = $f['editor'];
elseif (empty($js['editor']) && (!isset($f['editable']) || $f['editable'])) {
switch ($f['type']) {
case 'int':
case 'smallint':
case 'tinyint':
case 'bigint':
case 'mediumint':
case 'real':
case 'double':
case 'decimal':
case 'float':
$js['editor'] = 'bbn-numeric';
$max = pow(10, $f['maxlength']) - 1;
$js['options'] = [
'max' => $max,
'min' => $f['signed'] ? -$max : 0
case 'date':
$js['editor'] = 'bbn-datepicker';
case 'datetime':
$js['editor'] = 'bbn-datetimepicker';
case 'json':
$js['editor'] = 'bbn-json-editor';
case 'enum':
case 'set':
$js['editor'] = 'bbn-dropdown';
$src = [];
if (!empty($f['extra'])) {
$src = X::split(substr($f['extra'], 1, -1), "','");
// Calculating the length based on the longest enum value
if (empty($js['width'])) {
$maxlength = 1;
foreach ($src as $s) {
$len = strlen($s);
if ($len > $maxlength) {
$maxlength = $len;
$js['options'] = [
'source' => $src
case 'binary':
case 'varbinary':
$js['component'] = 'appui-database-data-binary';
$js['cls'] = 'bbn-c';
$js['editor'] = 'bbn-upload';
case 'text':
case 'bigtext':
case 'smalltext':
case 'tinytext':
case 'mediumtext':
$js['editor'] = 'bbn-textarea';
$res['js']['columns'][] = $js;
return $res;
return null;
Generates a grid configuration based on the table structure and columns options. BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way
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