method importTable documentation in bbn\Appui\Database

Imports a table's structure into the options table.

function(string $table, string $id_db, string $host = '') { if (empty($host)) { $host_id = $this->retrieveHost($id_db); } else{ $host_id = bbn\Str::isUid($host) ? $host : $this->hostId($host); } if ($host_id && ($id_tables = $this->o->fromCode('tables', $id_db))) { $engine = $this->o->parent($this->o->getIdParent($host_id)); if (!($id_table = $this->o->fromCode($table, $id_tables)) && ($id_table = $this->o->add( [ 'id_parent' => $id_tables, 'text' => $table, 'code' => $table, ] )) ) { $this->o->setCfg($id_table, ['allow_children' => 1]); if ($id_columns = $this->o->add( [ 'id_parent' => $id_table, 'text' => X::_("Columns"), 'code' => 'columns' ] ) ) { $this->o->setCfg( $id_columns, [ 'show_code' => 1, 'show_value' => 1, 'sortable' => 1 ] ); } if ($id_keys = $this->o->add( [ 'id_parent' => $id_table, 'text' => X::_("Keys"), 'code' => 'keys', ] ) ) { $this->o->setCfg( $id_keys, [ 'show_code' => 1, 'show_value' => 1, 'show_alias' => 1, 'allow_children' => 1 ] ); } } else{ $id_columns = $this->o->fromCode('columns', $id_table); $id_keys = $this->o->fromCode('keys', $id_table); } $db = $this->o->code($id_db); if ($id_table && $id_columns && $id_keys && $db && ($conn = $this->connection($host_id, $engine['code'], $db)) && ($m = $conn->modelize($db.'.'.$table)) && !empty($m['fields']) ) { $num_cols = 0; $num_cols_rem = 0; $fields = []; $ocols = array_flip($this->o->options($id_columns)); foreach ($m['fields'] as $col => $cfg) { if ($opt_col = $this->o->option($col, $id_columns)) { $num_cols += (int)$this->o->set($opt_col['id'], bbn\X::mergeArrays($opt_col, $cfg)); } elseif ($id = $this->o->add( bbn\X::mergeArrays( $cfg, [ 'id_parent' => $id_columns, 'text' => $col, 'code' => $col, 'num' => $cfg['position'] ] ) ) ) { $num_cols++; $opt_col = $cfg; $opt_col['id'] = $id; } if ($opt_col) { $fields[$col] = $opt_col['id']; } if (isset($ocols[$col])) { unset($ocols[$col]); } } if (!empty($ocols)) { foreach ($ocols as $col => $id) { if (bbn\Str::isUid($id)) { $num_cols_rem += (int)$this->o->remove($id); } } } $num_keys = 0; $num_keys_rem = 0; $okeys = array_flip($this->o->options($id_keys)); foreach ($m['keys'] as $key => $cfg) { $cols = $cfg['columns'] ?? []; unset($cfg['columns']); if (isset($cfg['ref_db'], $cfg['ref_table'], $cfg['ref_column']) && ($id_alias = $this->columnId($cfg['ref_column'], $cfg['ref_table'], $cfg['ref_db'])) ) { $cfg['id_alias'] = $id_alias; unset($cfg['ref_db'], $cfg['ref_table'], $cfg['ref_column']); } if ($opt_key = $this->o->option($key, $id_keys)) { $num_keys += (int)$this->o->set($opt_key['id'], bbn\X::mergeArrays($opt_key, $cfg)); } elseif ($id = $this->o->add( bbn\X::mergeArrays( $cfg, [ 'id_parent' => $id_keys, 'text' => $key, 'code' => $key ] ) ) ) { $this->o->setCfg( $id, [ 'show_code' => 1, 'show_alias' => 1 ] ); $num_keys++; $opt_key = $cfg; $opt_key['id'] = $id; } if (isset($okeys[$key])) { unset($okeys[$key]); } if ($opt_key && $cols) { foreach ($cols as $col){ if (isset($fields[$col])) { if ($opt = $this->o->option($col, $opt_key['id'])) { $this->o->set( $opt['id'], bbn\X::mergeArrays( $opt, [ 'id_alias' => $fields[$col] ] ) ); } else{ $tmp = [ 'id_parent' => $opt_key['id'], 'id_alias' => $fields[$col], 'code' => $col, 'text' => $col ]; if ($this->o->add($tmp)) { $opt = $tmp; } } } } } } if (!empty($okeys)) { foreach (array_values($okeys) as $id) { if (bbn\Str::isUid($id)) { $children = $this->o->items($id); foreach ($children as $cid) { $num_keys_rem += (int)$this->o->removeFull($cid); } $num_keys_rem += (int)$this->o->remove($id); } } } return [ 'columns' => $num_cols, 'keys' => $num_keys, 'columns_removed' => $num_cols_rem, 'keys_removed' => $num_keys_rem ]; } } return null; }

Imports a table's structure into the options table. BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way

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