method getFull documentation in bbn\Appui\Event
Gets an event with the recurring details.
function(string $id)
if ( Str::isUid($id) ){
$rt =& $this->class_cfg['tables']['recurring'];
$rf =& $this->class_cfg['arch']['recurring'];
$ot =& $this->class_cfg['tables']['options'];
return $this->db->rselect([
'table' => $this->class_table,
'fields' => [
$this->db->colFullName($this->fields['id'], $this->class_table),
$this->db->colFullName($this->fields['id_parent'], $this->class_table),
'join' => [[
'table' => $rt,
'type' => 'left',
'on' => [
'conditions' => [[
'field' => $this->db->colFullName($this->fields['id'], $this->class_table),
'exp' => $this->db->colFullName($rf['id_event'], $rt),
], [
'table' => $ot,
'on' => [
'conditions' => [[
'field' => $this->fields['id_type'],
'exp' => $this->db->colFullName($this->class_cfg['arch']['options']['id'], $ot),
'where' => [
$this->db->colFullName($this->fields['id'], $this->class_table) => $id
return null;
Gets an event with the recurring details. BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way
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