method getDatatable documentation in bbn\Appui\Grid

function($force = false) { $r = [ 'data' => [], 'total' => 0, 'success' => true, 'error' => false, 'time' => [] ]; if ( $this->check() ){ if ($total = $this->getTotal($force)) { if ( $this->cfg['start'] ){ $r['start'] = $this->cfg['start']; } if ( $this->cfg['limit'] ){ $r['limit'] = $this->cfg['limit']; } if ( $this->observer ){ $r['observer'] = $this->getObserver(); } $r['total'] = $total; $r['data'] = $this->getData(); $r['time'] = [ 'query' => $this->query_time, 'count' => $this->count_time ]; } //unset($this->count_cfg['where']['conditions'][0]['time']); //$this->count_cfg['where']['conditions'][0]['value'] = hex2bin($this->count_cfg['where']['conditions'][0]['value']); //die(X::dump($this->db->selectOne($this->count_cfg), $this->db->last(), $this->count_cfg, $this->num, $this->db->last_params)); if (!defined('BBN_IS_PROD') || (($usr = bbn\User::getInstance()) && $usr->isAdmin())) { $r['query'] = $this->db->last(); $r['queryValues'] = array_map(function($a){ if (Str::isBuid($a)) { return bin2hex($a); } return $a; }, $this->db->getLastValues()); } //die(var_dump($r['query'])); } if ( !$this->db->check() ){ $r['success'] = false; $r['error'] = $this->db->last_error; } return $r; }

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