method getRowBack documentation in bbn\Appui\History

function(string $table, string $id, $when, array $columns = []) { if ( !($when = self::validDate($when)) ){ self::_report_error("The date $when is incorrect", __CLASS__, __LINE__); } else if ( ($db = self::_get_db()) && ($cfg = self::getTableCfg($table)) ){ // Time is after last modification: the current is given self::disable(); if ( $when >= time() ){ $r = $db->rselect($table, $columns, [ $cfg['primary'] => $id ]) ?: null; } // Time is before creation: null is given else if ( $when < self::getCreationDate($table, $id) ){ $r = null; } else { // No columns = All columns if ( \count($columns) === 0 ){ $columns = array_keys($cfg['fields']); } $r = []; //die(var_dump($columns, $model['fields'])); foreach ( $columns as $col ){ $tmp = null; if ( isset($cfg['fields'][$col]['id_option']) ){ if ($tmp = $db->rselect(self::$table, ['val', 'ref'], [ 'uid' => $id, 'col' => $cfg['fields'][$col]['id_option'], 'opr' => 'UPDATE', ['tst', '>', $when], ['tst' => 'ASC'] ])) { $r[$col] = $tmp['ref'] ?: $tmp['val']; } } if (!$tmp) { $r[$col] = $db->selectOne($table, $col, [ $cfg['primary'] => $id ]); } } } self::enable(); return $r; } return null; }

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