method init documentation in bbn\Appui\History
function(bbn\Db $db, array $cfg = [])
/** @var string $hash Unique hash for this DB connection (so we don't init twice a same connection) */
$hash = $db->getHash();
if ( !\in_array($hash, self::$dbs, true) && $db->check() ){
// Adding the connection to the list of connections
self::$dbs[] = $hash;
/** @var Db db */
self::$db = $db;
$vars = get_class_vars(__CLASS__);
foreach ( $cfg as $cf_name => $cf_value ){
if ( array_key_exists($cf_name, $vars) ){
self::$$cf_name = $cf_value;
if ( !self::$admin_db ){
self::$admin_db = self::$db->getCurrent();
self::$table = self::$admin_db.'.'.self::$prefix.'history';
self::$table_uids = self::$admin_db.'.'.self::$prefix.'history_uids';
self::$ok = true;
self::$is_used = true;
self::$links = self::$db->getForeignKeys('bbn_uid', self::$prefix.'history_uids', self::$admin_db);
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