method getRecentFiles documentation in bbn\Appui\Ide

return list files preferences

function(int $limit = 10) { $perm = $this->options->fromCode(self::RECENT_FILE, self::IDE_PATH, self::BBN_APPUI); $all = []; if (!empty($perm)) { $pref = $this->pref->getByOption($perm); if (!empty($pref['id'])) { $pref_arch = $this->pref->getClassCfg(); $arch = &$pref_arch['arch']['user_options_bits']; $recents = $this->db->rselectAll( [ 'table' => $pref_arch['tables']['user_options_bits'], 'fields' => [ $arch['id'], $arch['id_user_option'], $arch['id_option'], $arch['cfg'], $arch['text'], 'date' => 'JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT('.$this->db->csn($arch['cfg'], true).', "$.last_date"))', 'num' => 'JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT('.$this->db->csn($arch['cfg'], true).', "$.number"))' ], 'where' => [ 'conditions' => [[ 'field' => $arch['id_user_option'], 'value' => $pref['id'] ]] ], 'limit' => 10, 'order' => ['date' => "DESC"] ] ); //configure path for link for each recent file foreach ($recents as $id => $bit) { //path for link $arr = explode("/", $bit['text']); $type = ''; $root = $arr[0] . '/' . $arr[1]; if (!empty($arr[2])) { $type = $arr[2]; unset($arr[2]); } unset($arr[0]); unset($arr[1]); if (($type !== 'mvc') && ($type !== 'components')) { $tab = 'code'; } else { $tab = array_shift($arr); $tab = $tab === 'public' ? 'php' : $tab; } $arr = implode('/', $arr); $file = explode('.', $arr)[0]; $path = Str::parsePath('file/' . $root . '/' . $type . '/' . $file . '/_end_/' . $tab); $value = json_decode($bit['cfg'], true); $all[] = [ 'cfg' => !empty($value['file_json']) ? json_decode($this->fs->getContents(self::$backup_path . $value['file_json']), true) : [], 'file' => Str::parsePath($bit['text']), 'repository' => $root, 'path' => $path, 'type' => $type === '' ? false : $type ]; } } } return !empty($all) ? $all : null; }

return list files preferences BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way

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