method getTextValue documentation in bbn\Appui\Masks

function($id_type, $fulltext = false) { if (!bbn\Str::isUid($id_type)) { $id_type = self::getOptionId($id_type); } if (bbn\Str::isUid($id_type)) { $all = $this->getAll($id_type); $admin = new bbn\User\Manager(\bbn\User::getInstance()); if (\is_array($all)) { $res = []; foreach ($all as $a) { $tmp = [ 'text' => $a['name'], 'value' => $a['id_note'] ]; if ($fulltext) { $tmp['fulltext'] = $a['title']. ($a['default'] ? ' ('.X::_('default').')' : ''). ' - v'.$a['version'].' '. \bbn\Date::format($a['creation']).' '.X::_('by').' '. $admin->getName($a['id_user']); } $res[] = $tmp; } return $res; } } return null; }

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