method insertVersion documentation in bbn\Appui\Note

Adds a new version to the given note if it's different from the last, and returns the latest version.

function(string $id_note, string $title = '', string $content = '', string $excerpt = '') { if ($this->check() && ($usr = bbn\User::getInstance()) && ($note = $this->get($id_note)) && ($title || $content) ) { $cf = &$this->class_cfg; $latest = $note['version'] ?? 0; if (!$latest || ($note['content'] != $content) || ($note['title'] != $title) || ($note['excerpt'] != $excerpt) ) { $next = $latest + 1; } if ( isset($next) && $this->db->insert( $cf['tables']['versions'], [ $cf['arch']['versions']['id_note'] => $id_note, $cf['arch']['versions']['version'] => $next ?? 1, $cf['arch']['versions']['latest'] => 1, $cf['arch']['versions']['title'] => $title, $cf['arch']['versions']['content'] => $content, $cf['arch']['versions']['excerpt'] => $excerpt ?: '', $cf['arch']['versions']['id_user'] => $usr->getId(), $cf['arch']['versions']['creation'] => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ] ) ) { $this->db->update( $cf['tables']['versions'], [$cf['arch']['versions']['latest'] => 0], [ $cf['arch']['versions']['id_note'] => $id_note, ['version', '!=', $next] ] ); return $next; } return $latest; } return null; }

Adds a new version to the given note if it's different from the last, and returns the latest version. BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way

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