method observe documentation in bbn\Appui\Observer

Checks the observers, execute their requests if interval is reached, it will stop when it finds differences in the

results, and returns the observers to be updated (meant to be executed from a cron task), indexed by id_user.

function() { if ( $this->check() ){ $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $rows = $this->db->rselectAll([ 'table' => 'bbn_observers', 'fields' => ['id', 'id_user', 'request', 'params', 'result', 'frequency'], 'where' => [ 'conditions' => [ [ 'field' => 'id_alias', 'operator' => 'isnull' ], [ 'field' => 'next', 'operator' => '<', 'value' => $now ] ] ] ]); $diff = []; $timer = new \bbn\Util\Timer(); foreach ( $rows as $d ){ if ($this->checkObserver($d)) { // Aliases are the IDs of the observers aliases of the current row $timer->start('exec'); $aliases = $this->db->rselectAll('bbn_observers', ['id', 'id_user', 'request', 'params', 'result'], ['id_alias' => $d['id']]); if ( \bbn\Str::isJson($d['request']) ){ $d['request'] = json_decode($d['request'], true); $real_result = $this->_exec_array($d['request']); } else{ $real_result = $this->_exec($d['request'], $d['params']); } X::log([$timer->stop('exec'), $this->db->last()], 'obs_request'); // If the result is different we update the table if ( $real_result !== $d['result'] ){ echo '+'; $this->db->update('bbn_observers', ['result' => $real_result], ['id' => $d['id']]); // And if a user is attached to the observer we add it to the result if ( $d['id_user'] ){ if ( !isset($diff[$d['id_user']]) ){ $diff[$d['id_user']] = []; } $diff[$d['id_user']][] = [ 'id' => $d['id'], 'result' => $real_result ]; } // For each alias we add the entry for the corresponding user... foreach ( $aliases as $a ){ // ...If the result differs if ( $real_result !== $a['result'] ){ $this->db->update('bbn_observers', ['result' => $real_result], ['id' => $a['id']]); if ( !isset($diff[$a['id_user']]) ){ $diff[$a['id_user']] = []; } $diff[$a['id_user']][] = [ 'id' => $a['id'], 'result' => $real_result ]; } } } } // And we update the next time of execution $this->_update_next($d['id'], $d['frequency']); } echo '.'; $this->deleteOld(); $this->db->flush(); if ( count($diff) ){ bbn\X::dump('Returning diff!', $diff); return $diff; } if ( ob_get_contents() ){ ob_end_flush(); } return true; } bbn\X::dump('Canceling observer: '.date('H:i:s Y-m-d')); return false; }

Checks the observers, execute their requests if interval is reached, it will stop when it finds differences in the BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way

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