method add documentation in bbn\Appui\Option

Creates a new option or a new hierarchy by adding row(s) in the options' table


X::dump($opt->add([ 'id_parent' => $opt->fromCode('bbn_ide'), 'text' => 'My new option', 'code' => 'new_opt', 'myProperty' => 'my value' ])); // (int) 49 New ID X::dump($opt->add([ 'id_parent' => $opt->fromCode('bbn_ide'), 'text' => 'My new option', 'code' => 'new_opt', 'myProperty' => 'my value' 'items' => [ [ 'code' => "test", 'text' => "Test", 'myProperty' => "My property's value", ], [ 'code' => "test2", 'text' => "Test 2", 'myProperty' => "My property's value", 'items' => [ [ 'code' => "test8", 'text' => "Test 8", ] ] ] ] ], true, true)); // (int) 4 Number of inserted/modified rows function(array $it, $force = false, $return_num = false, $with_id = false) { if ($this->check()) { $res = $return_num ? 0 : null; $items = !empty($it['items']) && \is_array($it['items']) ? $it['items'] : false; $id = null; try { $this->_prepare($it); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \Exception($e->getMessage()); } if ($it) { $c =& $this->fields; if ($it[$c['code']]) { $id = $this->db->selectOne( $this->class_cfg['table'], $c['id'], [ $c['id_parent'] => $it[$c['id_parent']], $c['code'] => $it[$c['code']] ] ); } elseif (!empty($it[$c['id']])) { $id = $this->db->selectOne( $this->class_cfg['table'], $c['id'], [ $c['id'] => $it[$c['id']], $c['code'] => null ] ); } if ($id && $force && (null !== $it[$c['code']]) ) { try { $res = (int)$this->db->update( $this->class_cfg['table'], [ $c['text'] => $it[$c['text']], $c['id_alias'] => $it[$c['id_alias']], $c['value'] => $it[$c['value']], $c['num'] => $it[$c['num']] ?? null, $c['cfg'] => $it[$c['cfg']] ?? null ], [$c['id'] => $id] ); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->log([X::_("Impossible to update the option"), $it]); throw new Exception(X::_("Impossible to update the option")); } } $values = [ $c['id_parent'] => $it[$c['id_parent']], $c['text'] => $it[$c['text']], $c['code'] => empty($it[$c['code']]) ? null : $it[$c['code']], $c['id_alias'] => $it[$c['id_alias']], $c['value'] => $it[$c['value']], $c['num'] => $it[$c['num']] ?? null, $c['cfg'] => $it[$c['cfg']] ?? null ]; if (isset($it[$c['id']]) && !$this->exists($it[$c['id']])) { $values[$c['id']] = $it[$c['id']]; } if (!empty($it[$c['id']]) && $with_id) { $values[$c['id']] = $it[$c['id']]; } if (!$id) { try { $res = (int)$this->db->insert($this->class_cfg['table'], $values); } catch (Exception $e) { X::log([X::_("Impossible to add the option"), $values], 'OptionAddErrors'); throw new Exception(X::_("Impossible to add the option")); } $id = $this->db->lastId(); } if ($res) { $this->deleteCache($id); } if ($items && bbn\Str::isUid($id)) { foreach ($items as $item){ $item[$c['id_parent']] = $id; $res += (int)$this->add($item, $force, $return_num, $with_id); } } } else { X::log($it, 'OptionAddErrors'); } return $return_num ? $res : $id; } return null; }

Creates a new option or a new hierarchy by adding row(s) in the options' table BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way

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