method __construct documentation in bbn\Appui\Task

function(bbn\Db $db) { self::optionalInit(); if ( $user = bbn\User::getInstance() ){ $this->user = $user->getName(); $this->id_user = $user->getId(); $this->is_dev = $user->isDev(); $this->mgr = new bbn\User\Manager($user); $this->_get_references(); //die(var_dump(BBN_APP_PATH, $this->references)); if ( is_dir(\bbn\Mvc::getAppPath()) && is_file(\bbn\Mvc::getAppPath().'plugins/appui-task/reference.php') ){ $f = include(\bbn\Mvc::getAppPath().'plugins/appui-task/reference.php'); if ( is_callable($f) ){ $this->template = $f; } } } $this->columns = array_keys($this->db->getColumns('bbn_tasks')); $this->noteCls = new \bbn\Appui\Note($this->db); }

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