method approve documentation in bbn\Appui\Task

function(string $id, bool $approveChildren = true, bool $approveParent = true) { && ($perm = \bbn\User\Permissions::getInstance()) && ($currentState = $this->getState($id)) && ($unapproved = $this->idState('unapproved')) && ($currentState === $unapproved) && ((($deciders = $this->getDeciders($id, true)) && \in_array($this->id_user, $deciders)) || (($idFinancialManager = $this->idPrivilege('financial_manager')) && ($idPermFM = $perm->optionToPermission($idFinancialManager)) && $perm->has($idPermFM)) ) ){ $price = $this->getPrice($id); if (empty($price)) { $price = $this->getChildrenPrices($id); } if (!($opened = $this->idState('opened'))) { throw new \Exception(X::_('No state found with the code opened')); } if ($approveChildren && ($children = $this->getUnapprovedChildrenIds($id)) ) { foreach ($children as $child) { $this->approve($child, true, false); } } if (!$this->getUnapprovedChildrenIds($id) && (($this->getState($id) === $this->idState('opened')) || $this->update($id, 'state', $opened)) ) { if (!empty($price)) { $this->addLog($id, 'price_approved', [$price]); } if ($approveParent && ($parent = $this->getIdParent($id)) && ($this->getState($parent) === $unapproved) && !$this->getUnapprovedChildrenIds($parent) ) { $this->approve($parent, false); } return true; } } return false; }

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