method comment documentation in bbn\Appui\Task

function($id_task, array $cfg) { $note = new \bbn\Appui\Note($this->db); $r = $note->insert( (empty($cfg['title']) ? '' : $cfg['title']), (empty($cfg['text']) ? '' : $cfg['text']), \bbn\Appui\Note::getAppuiOptionId('tasks', 'types') ); if ( $r ){ $this->db->insert('bbn_tasks_notes', [ 'id_note' => $r, 'id_task' => $id_task ]); if ( !empty($cfg['files']) ){ $filename = ''; $extension = ''; $length = 0; foreach ( $cfg['files'] as $f ){ $ext = \bbn\Str::fileExt($f, true); if ( (\strlen($ext[0]) < $length) || ($ext[1] !== $extension) || (strpos($ext[0], $filename) !== 0) || !preg_match('/_h[\d]+/i', substr($ext[0], $length)) ){ $filename = $ext[0]; $extension = $ext[1]; $length = \strlen($filename); $note->addMedia($r, $f); } } } if ( !empty($cfg['links']) ){ foreach ( $cfg['links'] as $f ){ $ext = \bbn\Str::fileExt($f['image'], true); if ( !preg_match('/_h[\d]+/i', substr($ext[0], 0)) ){ $note->addMedia( $r, $f['image'], ['url' => $f['url'], 'description' => $f['desc']], $f['title'], 'link' ); } } } $this->addLog($id_task, 'comment_insert', [$this->id_user, empty($cfg['title']) ? $cfg['text'] : $cfg['title']]); } return $r; } return false; }

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