method insert documentation in bbn\Appui\Task

function(array $cfg, bool $addRole = true) { && ($idType = $opt->fromCode('tasks', 'types', 'note', 'appui')) && isset($cfg['title'], $cfg['type']) && ($idNote = $this->noteCls->insert($cfg['title'], $cfg['content'] ?? '', $idType)) ) { if ( $this->db->insert('bbn_tasks', [ 'id_note' => $idNote, 'type' => $cfg['type'], 'priority' => !empty($cfg['priority']) ? $cfg['priority'] : 3, 'id_parent' => !empty($cfg['id_parent']) ? $cfg['id_parent'] : null, 'id_alias' => !empty($cfg['id_alias']) ? $cfg['id_alias'] : null, 'deadline' => !empty($cfg['deadline']) ? $cfg['deadline'] : null, 'id_user' => $this->id_user ?: null, 'state' => !empty($cfg['state']) ? $cfg['state'] : $this->idState('opened'), 'creation_date' => $this->date ?: date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'private' => !empty($cfg['private']) ? 1 : 0 ]) ){ $id = $this->db->lastId(); $this->addLog($id, 'insert'); if ($addRole) { $this->addRole($id, 'managers'); } /* $subject = "Nouveau bug posté par {$this->user}"; $text = "

{$this->user} a posté un nouveau bug

". "


". "


". "

Rendez-vous dans votre interface APST pour lui répondre

"; $this->email($id, $subject, $text); */ return $id; } } return false; }

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