method update documentation in bbn\Appui\Task

function($idTask, $prop, $value) { $ok = false; $states = $this->states(); switch ($prop) { case 'deadline': $prev = $this->db->selectOne('bbn_tasks', 'deadline', ['id' => $idTask]); if ( !$prev && $value ){ $this->addLog($idTask, 'deadline_insert', [$value]); $ok = 1; } else if ( $prev && !$value ){ $this->addLog($idTask, 'deadline_delete', [$value]); $ok = 1; } if ( $prev && $value && ($prev !== $value) ){ $this->addLog($idTask, 'deadline_update', [$prev, $value]); $ok = 1; } break; case 'price': $prev = $this->db->selectOne('bbn_tasks', 'price', ['id' => $idTask]); if ( !$prev && $value ){ $this->addLog($idTask, 'price_insert', [$value]); $ok = 1; } else if ( $prev && !$value ){ $this->addLog($idTask, 'price_delete', [$prev]); $ok = 1; } if ( $prev && $value && ($prev !== $value) ){ $this->addLog($idTask, 'price_update', [$prev, $value]); $ok = 1; } if ($ok) { $oldState = $this->getState($idTask); } break; case 'state': switch ( $value ){ case $states['closed']: $ok = 1; $this->addLog($idTask, 'task_close'); $this->stopAllTracks($idTask); break; case $states['holding']: $ok = 1; $this->addLog($idTask, 'task_hold'); $this->stopAllTracks($idTask); break; case $states['ongoing']: $ok = 1; $this->addLog($idTask, 'task_start'); break; case $states['opened']: $ok = 1; $this->addLog($idTask, 'task_reopen'); break; case $states['unapproved']: $this->addLog($idTask, 'task_unapproved'); $this->stopAllTracks($idTask); $ok = 1; break; } break; case 'title': case 'content': if (($idNote = $this->getIdNote($idTask)) && ($n = $this->noteCls->get($idNote)) ) { $title = $n['title']; $content = $n['content']; $log = '_update'; $vals = []; if (($prop === 'title') && ($title !== $value) ) { $vals = [$title, $value]; $title = $value; } else if (($prop === 'content') && ($content !== $value) ) { $prev = $content; if (empty($prev)) { $log = '_insert'; $vals = [$value]; } else if (empty($value)) { $log = '_delete'; } else { $vals = [$content, $value]; } $content = $value; } if ($this->noteCls->insertVersion($idNote, $title, $content, $this->noteCls->getExcerpt($title, $content))) { $this->addLog($idTask, $prop.$log, $vals); return true; } } break; default: if ( $prev = $this->db->selectOne('bbn_tasks', $prop, ['id' => $idTask]) ){ $ok = 1; $this->addLog($idTask, $prop.'_update', [$prev, $value]); } break; } if ($ok && $this->db->update('bbn_tasks', [$prop => $value], ['id' => $idTask])) { if ($prop === 'price') { if (($idParent = $this->getIdParent($idTask))) { if (!empty($value) && ($this->getState($idParent) !== $states['unapproved']) ) { $this->update($idParent, 'state', $states['unapproved']); } else if (empty($value) && ($this->getState($idParent) === $states['unapproved']) && !$this->getUnapprovedChildrenIds($idParent) ) { $this->update($idParent, 'state', $states['opened']); } } $this->update($idTask, 'state', empty($value) ? $states['opened'] : $states['unapproved']); } if ($prop === 'state') { if ($value === $states['unapproved']) { if (!!$this->getPrice($idTask) && ($children = $this->getChildrenIds($idTask))) { foreach ($children as $child) { $s = $this->getState($child); if (($s !== $states['unapproved']) && ($s !== $states['closed']) ) { $this->update($child, 'state', $states['unapproved']); } } } if (($idParent = $this->getIdParent($idTask)) && ($this->getState($idParent) !== $states['unapproved']) ) { $this->update($idParent, 'state', $states['unapproved']); } } else if ($value === $states['opened']) { if ($children = $this->getUnapprovedChildrenIds($idTask)) { foreach ($children as $child) { $this->update($child, 'state', $states['opened']); } } if (($idParent = $this->getIdParent($idTask)) && ($this->getState($idParent) === $states['unapproved']) && !$this->getUnapprovedChildrenIds($idParent) ) { $this->update($idParent, 'state', $states['opened']); } } } return true; } } return false; }

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