method jsLinks documentation in bbn\Cdn\Compiler

Returns a javascript string invoking other javascript files.

function(array $files, $test = false) { $code = ''; $num_files = \count($files); if ($num_files) { $url = $this->furl . '?files=%s&'; $params = []; // The v parameter is passed between requests (to refresh) if (!empty($this->cfg['params']['v'])) { $params['v'] = $this->cfg['params']['v']; } // The test parameter also (for minification) if ($test) { $params['test'] = 1; } $url .= http_build_query($params); $files_json = json_encode($files); $code .= <<

Returns a javascript string invoking other javascript files. BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way

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