method minify documentation in bbn\Cdn\Compiler
Minify the given string in the given lang (js or css).
function(string $st, string $lang)
$tmp = false;
$st = trim($st);
if ($st) {
try {
if ($lang === 'js') {
$tmp = Minifier::minify($st, ['flaggedComments' => false]);
elseif ($lang === 'css') {
/** @todo Minification makes var() statements disappear! */
$tmp = Str::cleanSpaces($st);//CssMin::minify($st);
catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->setError("Error during $lang minification with string - {$e->getMessage()}");
//die('Error during $lang minification with string - '.$e->getMessage());
return $tmp ?: $st;
Minify the given string in the given lang (js or css). BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way
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