method iselect documentation in bbn\Db\EnginesApi
Return the first row resulting from the query as a numeric array.
function($table, $fields = [], array $where = [], array $order = [], int $start = 0)
* Return the searched rows as an array of numeric arrays.
* @param string|array $table The table's name or a configuration array
* @param string|array $fields The fields's name
* @param array $where The "where" condition
* @param array | boolean The "order" condition, default: false
* @param int $limit The "limit" condition, default: 0
* @param int $start The "start" condition, default: 0
* @return array
public function iselectAll($table, $fields = [], array $where = [], array $order = [], int $limit = 0, int $start = 0): ?array;
* Fetches a given table and returns an array of a single row text-indexed
* @param string|array $table The table's name or a configuration array
* @param string|array $fields The fields' name
* @param array $where The "where" condition
* @param array|boolean $order The "order" condition, default: false
* @param int $start The "start" condition, default: 0
* @return false|array
public function rselect($table, $fields = [], array $where = [], array $order = [], int $start = 0): ?array;
* Fetches a given table and returns an array of a single row text-indexed
* @param string|array $table The table's name or a configuration array
* @param string|array $fields The fields' name
* @param array $where The "where" condition
* @param array | boolean $order condition, default: false
* @param int $limit The "limit" condition, default: 0
* @param int $start The "start" condition, default: 0
* @return null|array
public function rselectAll($table, $fields = [], array $where = [], array $order = [], $limit = 0, $start = 0): ?array;
* Fetches a given table and returns an array of a single row text-indexed
* @param string $table The table name.
* @param string $field The fields name.
* @param array $where The "where" condition.
* @param string|array $order The "order" condition, default: false.
* @param int $start The "start" condition, default: 0.
* @return mixed
public function selectOne($table, $field = null, array $where = [], array $order = [], int $start = 0);
* Return the number of records in the table corresponding to the $where condition (non mandatory).
* @param string|array $table The table's name or a configuration array
* @param array $where The "where" condition
* @return null|int
public function count($table, array $where = []): ?int;
* Return an array indexed on the first field of the request.
* The value will be an array if the request has more than two fields.
* Return the same value as "get_key_val".
* @param string|array $table The table's name or a configuration array
* @param array $fields The fields's name
* @param array $where The "where" condition
* @param array|boolean $order The "order" condition
* @param int $limit The $limit condition, default: 0
* @param int $start The $limit condition, default: 0
* @return null|array
public function selectAllByKeys($table, array $fields = [], array $where = [], array $order = [], int $limit = 0, int $start = 0): ?array;
* Return an array with the count of values corresponding to the where conditions.
* @param string|array $table The table's name or a configuration array.
* @param string $column The field's name.
* @param array $where The "where" condition.
* @param array $order The "order" condition.
* @return null|array
public function stat(string $table, string $column, array $where = [], array $order = []): ?array;
* Inserts/Updates rows in the a given table
* @param $table
* @param array|null $values
* @param bool $ignore
* @return int
public function insert($table, array $values = null, bool $ignore = false): ?int;
* Inserts/Updates rows in the a given table
* @return int
public function insertUpdate($table, array $values = null): ?int;
* Updates rows in the a given table
* @param array|string $table
* @param array|null $values
* @param array|null $where
* @param bool $ignore
* @return int
public function update($table, array $values = null, array $where = null, bool $ignore = false): ?int;
* Deletes rows in the a given table
* @return int
Return the first row resulting from the query as a numeric array. BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way
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