method error documentation in bbn\Db\HasError

Set an error and acts appropriately based oon the error mode

function($e, bool $show_last = true, bool $show_backtrace = true) { $this->_has_error = true; self::_set_has_error_all(); $msg = [ self::$LINE, self::getLogLine('ERROR DB!'), self::$LINE ]; if (\is_string($e)) { $msg[] = self::getLogLine('USER MESSAGE'); $msg[] = $e; } elseif (method_exists($e, 'getMessage')) { $msg[] = self::getLogLine('DB MESSAGE'); $msg[] = $e->getMessage(); } $this->last_error = end($msg); if ($show_last) { $msg[] = self::getLogLine('QUERY'); $msg[] = $this->last(); if (($last_real_params = $this->getRealLastParams()) && !empty($last_real_params['values'])) { $msg[] = self::getLogLine('VALUES'); foreach ($last_real_params['values'] as $v){ if ($v === null) { $msg[] = 'NULL'; } elseif (\is_bool($v)) { $msg[] = $v ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; } elseif (\is_string($v)) { $msg[] = Str::isBuid($v) ? bin2hex($v) : Str::cut($v, 30); } else{ $msg[] = $v; } } } } if ($show_backtrace) { $msg[] = self::getLogLine('BACKTRACE'); $last = ''; $i = 0; $btr = array_map(function($a) use (&$last, &$i) { $r = [ 'dfile' => X::basename( X::dirname($a['file'])).'/'. X::basename($a['file'] ), 'good' => false ]; if (($last === 'bbn/Db.php') && ($r['dfile'] !== $last)) { $r['good'] = true; } $last = $r['dfile']; $r['msg'] = "{$a['function']} (". $r['dfile'] . ":{$a['line']})"; $i++; return $r; }, debug_backtrace()); $dbt = array_reverse($btr); array_walk( $dbt, function ($a, $i) use (&$msg) { if (isset($a['dfile'])) { $msg[] = str_repeat($a['good'] ? '!' : ' ', $i). ($i ? '->' : '').$a['msg']; } } ); } $this->log(implode(PHP_EOL, $msg)); if ($this->on_error === Errors::E_EXCEPTION) { throw new \Exception(X::join($msg, PHP_EOL)); } elseif ($this->on_error === Errors::E_DIE) { throw new \Exception(X::join($msg, PHP_EOL)); die(); } }

Set an error and acts appropriately based oon the error mode BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way

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