method getLastDate documentation in bbn\Db\History

function(string $table, string $id, $column = NULL) { if ($column && ($id_col = $this->getIdColumn($column, $table))) { return $this->db->selectOne( $this->getHistoryTableName(), $this->getHistoryTableColumnName('tst'), [ $this->getHistoryTableColumnName('uid') => $id, $this->getHistoryTableColumnName('col') => $id_col ], [ $this->getHistoryTableColumnName('tst') => 'DESC' ] ); } elseif (!$column && ($where = $this->_get_table_where($table))) { $tab = $this->db->escape($this->getHistoryTableName()); $chrono = $this->db->escape($this->getHistoryTableColumnName('tst')); $line = $this->db->escape($this->getHistoryTableColumnName('uid')); $sql = <<< MYSQL SELECT $chrono FROM $tab WHERE $line = ? AND ($where) ORDER BY $chrono DESC MYSQL; return $this->db->getOne($sql, hex2bin($id)); } return null; }

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