method getAlterKey documentation in bbn\Db\Languages\Mysql

Returns a string for alter keys statement.


$cfg = [ 'keys' => [ 'drop' => [ 'primary' => [ 'unique' => true, 'columns' => ['email'] ], 'unique_key' => [ 'unique' => true, 'columns' => ['id'] ], 'username_key' => [ 'columns' => ['username'] ] ], 'add' => [ 'primary' => [ 'unique' => true, 'columns' => ['id'] ], 'unique_key' => [ 'unique' => true, 'columns' => ['email'] ], 'username_key' => [ 'columns' => ['username'] ] ] ], 'fields' => [ 'drop' => [ 'email' => [ 'key' => 'PRI' ] ], 'add' => [ 'id' => [ 'key' => 'PRI' ] ] ] ]; X::dump($db->getAlterKey('users', $cfg); // (string) // ALTER TABLE `users` // DROP PRIMARY KEY, // DROP KEY `unique_key`, // DROP KEY `username_key`, // ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`), // ADD UNIQUE KEY `unique_key` (`email`), // ADD KEY `username_key` (`username`); function(string $table, array $cfg) { $st = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this->escape($table) . PHP_EOL; if ($cfg['keys'] && !empty($cfg['keys'])) { $types = ['drop', 'add']; foreach ($types as $type) { if (!empty($cfg['keys'][$type]) && is_array($cfg['keys'][$type])) { foreach ($cfg['keys'][$type] as $name => $key) { $st .= ' ' . strtoupper($type) . ' '; if (!empty($key['unique']) && isset($cfg['fields'][$type][$key['columns'][0]]) && ($cfg['fields'][$type][$key['columns'][0]]['key'] === 'PRI') ) { $st .= 'PRIMARY KEY'; } elseif (!empty($key['unique'])) { $st .= ($type !== 'drop' ? 'UNIQUE' : '') . ' KEY '; $st .= $this->escape($name); } else { $st .= 'KEY ' . $this->escape($name); } if ($type !== 'drop') { $st .= ' (' . implode( ',', array_map( function ($a) { return $this->escape($a); }, $key['columns'] ) ) . ')'; } $st .= ',' . PHP_EOL; } } } } return rtrim($st, ',' . PHP_EOL) . ';' . PHP_EOL; }

Returns a string for alter keys statement. BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way

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