method getColumns documentation in bbn\Db\Languages\Mysql

Returns the columns' configuration of the given table.

``php X::dump($db->getColumns('table_users')); /* (array)[ "id" => [ "position" => 1, "null" => 0, "key" => "PRI", "default" => null, "extra" => "auto_increment", "signed" => 0, "maxlength" => "8", "type" => "int", ], "name" => [ "position" => 2, "null" => 0, "key" => null, "default" => null, "extra" => "", "signed" => 0, "maxlength" => "30", "type" => "varchar", ], "surname" => [ "position" => 3, "null" => 0, "key" => null, "default" => null, "extra" => "", "signed" => 0, "maxlength" => "30", "type" => "varchar", ], "address" => [ "position" => 4, "null" => 0, "key" => "UNI", "default" => null, "extra" => "", "signed" => 0, "maxlength" => "30", "type" => "varchar", ], ]

function(string $table) { if (!$this->check()) { return null; } $r = []; if ($full = $this->tableFullName($table)) { $t = explode('.', $full); [$db, $table] = $t; $sql = <<getRows($sql, $table, $db)) { $p = 1; foreach ($rows as $row) { $f = $row['COLUMN_NAME']; $has_length = (stripos($row['DATA_TYPE'], 'text') === false) && (stripos($row['DATA_TYPE'], 'blob') === false) && ($row['EXTRA'] !== 'VIRTUAL GENERATED'); $r[$f] = [ 'position' => $p++, 'type' => $row['DATA_TYPE'], 'null' => $row['IS_NULLABLE'] === 'NO' ? 0 : 1, 'key' => \in_array($row['COLUMN_KEY'], ['PRI', 'UNI', 'MUL']) ? $row['COLUMN_KEY'] : null, 'extra' => $row['EXTRA'], 'signed' => strpos($row['COLUMN_TYPE'], ' unsigned') === false ? 1 : 0, 'virtual' => $row['EXTRA'] === 'VIRTUAL GENERATED', 'generation' => $row['GENERATION_EXPRESSION'], ]; if (($row['COLUMN_DEFAULT'] !== null) || ($row['IS_NULLABLE'] === 'YES')) { $r[$f]['default'] = \is_null($row['COLUMN_DEFAULT']) ? 'NULL' : $row['COLUMN_DEFAULT']; $r[$f]['defaultExpression'] = $row['EXTRA'] === 'DEFAULT_GENERATED'; } if (($r[$f]['type'] === 'enum') || ($r[$f]['type'] === 'set')) { if (preg_match_all('/\((.*?)\)/', $row['COLUMN_TYPE'], $matches) && !empty($matches[1]) && \is_string($matches[1][0]) && ($matches[1][0][0] === "'") ) { $r[$f]['values'] = explode("','", substr($matches[1][0], 1, -1)); $r[$f]['extra'] = $matches[1][0]; } else { $r[$f]['values'] = []; } } elseif (preg_match_all('/\((\d+)?(?:,)|(\d+)\)/', $row['COLUMN_TYPE'], $matches)) { if (empty($matches[1][0])) { if (!empty($matches[2][0])) { $r[$f]['maxlength'] = (int)$matches[2][0]; } } else { $r[$f]['maxlength'] = (int)$matches[1][0]; $r[$f]['decimals'] = (int)$matches[2][1]; } } } /* else{ preg_match_all('/(.*?)\(/', $row['Type'], $real_type); if ( strpos($row['Type'],'text') !== false ){ $r[$f]['type'] = 'text'; } else if ( strpos($row['Type'],'blob') !== false ){ $r[$f]['type'] = 'blob'; } else if ( strpos($row['Type'],'int(') !== false ){ $r[$f]['type'] = 'int'; } else if ( strpos($row['Type'],'char(') !== false ){ $r[$f]['type'] = 'varchar'; } if ( preg_match_all('/\((.*?)\)/', $row['Type'], $matches) ){ $r[$f]['maxlength'] = (int)$matches[1][0]; } if ( !isset($r[$f]['type']) ){ $r[$f]['type'] = strpos($row['Type'], '(') ? substr($row['Type'],0,strpos($row['Type'], '(')) : $row['Type']; } } */ } } return $r; }

Returns the columns' configuration of the given table. BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way

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