method count documentation in bbn\Db\Languages\Sql

Return the number of records in the table corresponding to the $where condition (non mandatory).


X::dump($db->count('table_users', ['name' => 'John'])); // (int) 2 function($table, array $where = []) { $args = \is_array($table) && (isset($table['tables']) || isset($table['table'])) ? $table : [ 'tables' => [$table], 'where' => $where ]; $args['count'] = true; if (!empty($args['bbn_db_processed'])) { unset($args['bbn_db_processed']); } if (\is_object($r = $this->_exec($args))) { $a = $r->getIrow(); return $a ? (int)$a[0] : null; } return null; }

Return the number of records in the table corresponding to the $where condition (non mandatory). BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way

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