method findRelations documentation in bbn\Db\Languages\Sql


function($column, string $db = '') { $changed = false; if ($db && ($db !== $this->getCurrent())) { $changed = $this->getCurrent(); $this->change($db); } $column = $this->colFullName($column); $bits = explode('.', $column); if (\count($bits) === 2) { array_unshift($bits, $db ?: $this->current); } if (\count($bits) !== 3) { return null; } $table = $bits[1]; if ($schema = $this->modelize()) { $refs = []; $test = function ($key) use ($bits) { return ($key['ref_db'] === $bits[0]) && ($key['ref_table'] === $bits[1]) && ($key['ref_column'] === $bits[2]); }; foreach ($schema as $tf => $cfg) { $t = $this->tableSimpleName($tf); if ($t !== $table) { foreach ($cfg['keys'] as $k) { if ($test($k)) { foreach ($cfg['keys'] as $k2) { // Is not the same table if (!$test($k2) // Has a reference && !empty($k2['ref_column']) // and refers to a single column && (\count($k['columns']) === 1) // A unique reference && (\count($k2['columns']) === 1) // To a table with a primary && isset($schema[$this->tableFullName($k2['ref_table'])]['cols'][$k2['ref_column']]) // which is a sole column && (\count($schema[$this->tableFullName($k2['ref_table'])]['cols'][$k2['ref_column']]) === 1) // We retrieve the key name && ($key_name = $schema[$this->tableFullName($k2['ref_table'])]['cols'][$k2['ref_column']][0]) // which is unique && !empty($schema[$this->tableFullName($k2['ref_table'])]['keys'][$key_name]['unique']) ) { if (!isset($refs[$t])) { $refs[$t] = ['column' => $k['columns'][0], 'refs' => []]; } $refs[$t]['refs'][$k2['columns'][0]] = $k2['ref_table'].'.'.$k2['ref_column']; } } } } } } if ($changed) { $this->change($changed); } return $refs; } }

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