method getGroupBy documentation in bbn\Db\Languages\Sql

Returns a string with the GROUP BY part of the query if there is, empty otherwise

function(array $cfg) { $res = ''; $group_to_put = []; if (!empty($cfg['group_by'])) { foreach ($cfg['group_by'] as $g) { if (isset($cfg['available_fields'][$g])) { $group_to_put[] = $this->escape($g); } else { $this->error("Error! The column '$g' doesn't exist for group by " . print_r($cfg, true), false); } } if (count($group_to_put)) { $res .= 'GROUP BY ' . implode(', ', $group_to_put) . PHP_EOL; } } return $res; }

Returns a string with the GROUP BY part of the query if there is, empty otherwise BBN is a suite of PHP and JS libraries and VueJS components - all open-source!, build applications, the quick way

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