method getCreateKeys documentation in bbn\Db\Languages\Sqlite

function(string $table, array $model = NULL) { $st = ''; if (!$model) { $model = $this->modelize($table); } if ($model && !empty($model['keys'])) { foreach ($model['keys'] as $name => $key) { if ($name === 'PRIMARY') { continue; } $st .= 'CREATE '; if (!empty($key['unique'])) { $st .= 'UNIQUE '; } $st .= 'INDEX \''.Str::escapeSquotes($name).'\' ON ' . $this->escape($table); $st .= ' ('.X::join( array_map( function ($a) { return $this->escape($a); }, $key['columns'] ), ', ' ).')'; $st .= ';' . PHP_EOL; } } return $st; }

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