method init documentation in bbn\Db\Sync

function(bbn\Db $db, array $sync_cfg = [], array $tables = [], string $sync_table = '') { if (self::$is_init) { throw new \Exception("Impossible to init twice the dbsync class"); } self::$current_connection = $db; if (!empty($sync_table)) { self::$sync_table = $sync_table; } if (!Str::checkName(self::$sync_table)) { throw new \Exception(X::_("Table name not allowed")); } if (empty($sync_cfg)) { self::$sync_connection = new Db(self::$default_cfg); } elseif (isset($sync_cfg['connection'])) { if (is_object($sync_cfg['connection']) && (is_a($sync_cfg['connection'], '\\bbn\\Db') || is_subclass_of($sync_cfg['connection'], '\\bbn\\Db')) ) { self::$sync_connection = $sync_cfg['connection']; } else { throw new \Exception(X::_("Invalid connection given to the synchronization class")); } } elseif (isset($sync_cfg['engine'])) { if (($sync_cfg['engine'] === 'sqlite') || ($sync_cfg['engine'] !== self::$current_connection->getEngine()) ) { self::$sync_connection = new Db($sync_cfg); } elseif (isset($sync_cfg['db']) && !isset($sync_cfg['user'])) { self::$sync_connection =& self::$current_connection; self::$sync_table = self::$sync_connection->tfn($sync_cfg['db'].'.'.self::$sync_table); } } elseif (isset($sync_cfg['db']) && !isset($sync_cfg['user'])) { self::$sync_connection =& self::$current_connection; self::$sync_table = self::$sync_connection->tfn($sync_cfg['db'].'.'.self::$sync_table); } self::$tables = $tables; self::$is_init = true; if (\count(self::$tables) === 0) { self::$tables = self::$current_connection->getTables(); } if (\is_array(self::$tables)) { foreach (self::$tables as $i => $t){ self::$tables[$i] = self::$current_connection->tfn($t); } self::$current_connection->setTrigger( '\\bbn\Db\\sync::trigger', ['delete', 'update', 'insert'], ['before', 'after'], self::$tables ); } }

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